Monday, January 25, 2016

Camp Cromwell does Cancon 2016: BOLT ACTION

Cancon 2016 became a reunion of much of the old mob from 89 Cambridge Road where we fought in the 70’s.  Jim, Chris, Mark & PeterC travelled up to Canberra, SteveD, Dale & PeterW now live there.  Jim & Chris fought in the Bolt Action tournament, the others just had a good wargaming time – observing how the north islanders fight, shopping, discussing and playing games at Steve’s place.
Bolt Action

The BA tournament had 42 players, including another Tasmanian we hadn’t met before from Devonport.

Game 1: Maximum Attrition:
Jim scored a win v. a Russian partisan force.
Chris fought a draw with Hungarians.

Game 2: Nuts:
Jim won again v. British.
Chris defeated a LW German force.

Game 3: Kittyhawk Down:
Jim lost to Belgians
Chris lost to Italian Paras.
This was the least enjoyable game for both of us.  The scenario is Mickey Mouse and both of us faced gimmicky armies with lots of small units on terrain that gave their small units too many places to hide from our firepower.

Game 4: Heartbreak Ridge:
Jim lost to US.
Chris fought a draw with US paratroopers.
Both of us suffered by the games going to 7 turns.  Jim had a draw at the end of turn 6 & Chris was winning, but neither of us could hold on for the extra turn.

Game 5:  Breakthrough:
Jim defeated an Australian force.
Chris defeated US infantry.

Jim: 3 wins, 2 losses.
Chris: 2 wins, 2 draws, 1 defeat.
We both finished in the top half, but well short the podium.  We both scored a BA supplement book from the prize pool, but more importantly we both had a great time with 4 really enjoyable games (won, lost or drawn) & just 1 dog each.

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