Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Napoleonics: French v. Russians

It was time to give the Napoleonic Russians we had been collectively working on over the winter a run.  The two long table edges were divided into 4 sectors designated 1-4 diamonds one side & 1-4 spades on the other.  The 8 corresponding cards were shuffled face down.  The Russians had two divisions each with an inf antry brigade of 6 units, a cavalry brigade of 2 units & 2 batteries.  The French had 2 infantry brigades of 4 line & 1light plus 1 battery & a cavalry brigade of 4 units & a horse battery.

The French drew a card to decide where their 1st infantry brigade deployed. The Russians drew one to decide where their 1st division was deployed.  Those troops were deployed up to 24" from the relevant table edge quarter.

The French then drew 2 cards for their other two brigades & the Rusians for their 2nd division. These cards determined where the reserves for both sides would come on put on the table- this was kept secret from the enemy. On turn 3 each side threw 1 dice, on turn 4, 2 dice, etc,  with a 5+ meaning reinforcements arrived at the designated table edge.
Chris drew 1 diamonds & deployed his Russian division on the left end of the north edge.
Mike drew 2 spades & deployed his French infantry brigade right of centre on the south edge.  
Chris advanced as far as his command dice would let him.  Mike advanced to the farm & deployed to defend.  On turn 3 Jim threw a 5 & revealed he had 2 diamonds & came on immediately on Chris' right.   On turn 4, Steve got a 5 & revealed that his cavalry had 3 spades & came on Mikes left.  On turn 5 Steve got another 5 & reveled that his infantry had 3 diamonds & came on the Russians right flank.
On the far flank a desperate fight continues in the farm while the 2nd Russians fight against the usual awful Russian command dice to turn to face the oncoming French flank attack.
Mike is still hanging on around the farm as Steve gets ready to attack across the stream.
Chris relentless attacks in the village have finally paid off & Mike's infantry brigade has broken.  The French attack across the stream has pushed the Russians back but they have now got their defence in order, French casualties are mounting & Chris' troops are beginning to lap around Steve's right flank.  The French concede the battle.

Our rules give the Russians similar combat factors to the Spanish, but with better than normal morale rather than worse.  That simple change makes them a very different enemy.

1 comment:

Gonsalvo said...

A nice "keep 'em off balance" type secnario, with handsome troops on the table!